The ExcepGen Investment Thesis
mRNA technology uses a copy of a molecule called messenger RNA to produce a directed immune response. The technology delivers molecules of antigen-encoding mRNA into immune cells, which use the designed mRNA as a blueprint to build foreign protein that would normally be produced by a pathogen (such as a virus) or
The BerriAI Investment Thesis
The label “large” refers to the number of values (parameters) the model can change autonomously as it learns. Some of the most successful LLMs have hundreds of billions of parameters. LLMs are trained with immense amounts of data and use self-supervised learning to predict the next word in a sentence, given the
The Orca Investment Thesis
March 7th, 2023
The Abalone Bio Investment Thesis
The Abalone Bio team, led by Richard Yu, is harnessing evolution to find activating antibodies, a new drug class that binds with targets, then activates or tunes biological pathways to treat disease. Conventional antibody drugs have achieved great success therapeutically. Antibody drugs have a 1.5x higher FDA approval rate than small molecules, indicating
The MetaGravity Investment Thesis
A couple of disclaimers before we dive in: We publish both sector and individual investment theses for free, and many have gleaned insights from them, but nothing herein is investment advice. Publishing our theses allows us to synthesize, generate feedback upon and further refine them. In each thesis, I borrow liberally from
The Atom Bioworks Investment Thesis
Our core biotech investment thesis at Gravity Fund is that humanity’s ability to engineer biology will fundamentally transform how we diagnose, treat, and manage disease. Tools like computational biology, protein folding modeling, evolutionary biology engines, rationally designed nanomaterials, and CRISPR enable an expanding pool of entrepreneurs to simulate, analyze and engineer biology
The Resistance Bio Investment Thesis
Drug resistance continues to be the principal limiting factor to achieving cures in patients with cancer. The problem of drug resistance in cancer has strong similarities to the field of infectious disease, in that both disciplines are challenged by highly proliferating intrinsic or extrinsic aggressors. As with antimicrobial therapy, the excitement that
The Mosaic Investment Thesis
Mosaic is a full-stack construction technology company. Mosaic’s technologies make construction more efficient- no small feat in an industry notorious for its lack of innovation and efficiency gains. Mosaic’s efficiencies come from its proprietary programming system that systematizes the construction process by decomposing blueprints into a rich construction model used to automate